To save or print articles from HeinOnline, select PRINT OPTIONS followed by DOWNLOAD AS PDF. You can then print and/or save articles with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The types of documents covered include journal articles, conference proceedings, essay collections, directories, and book reviews. The database includes all languages. Materials in Greek, Cyrillic, and the colloquial East Asian language are romanized according to Library of Congress standards. Arabic and Hebrew titles are translated into English or French. The data, which are updated weekly, consist of articles for the current year, with data for other years going back to 1970. By default, the data in each index is reset to the current year plus the previous three years (this can be reset), with the search covering one index at a time. Many of the new articles contain abstracts as well as author, title, and review information with citation lists. Keep in mind that legal developments may well be the subject of articles in legal journals published in other jurisdictions. However, South African law may be the subject of articles in journals published elsewhere. For example, „Corporate Governance and Employees in South Africa“ is in The Journal of Corporate Law Studies v. 10 No.
pt2 (October 2010) pp. 367-89. Use the other tabs in this box to find recommended journals and guides to specific online tools to help you find articles in law journals. A journal is a regular publication (monthly, annual, etc.) where you can find academic and research articles. The articles present current research and quick (but thoughtful) responses to legal developments, such as case commentary. Peer-reviewed journals submit potential articles for review by other experts before publication, so you can be sure of the quality of those that will eventually be included in the volume. Most Bodleian library journals in physical and electronic form can be accessed via SOLO, but you may find the law library database easier to use. The South African Law Journal is South Africa`s leading legal journal. It publishes articles, case notes and book reviews written by prominent members of the legal profession and academics.
It was founded in 1884 and is one of the oldest law journals of its kind in the world. This research guide is prepared and maintained by the MLS Academic Research Service, Melbourne Law School. Donrich Thaldar, University of KwaZulu-Natal and Bonginkosi Shozi, University of KwaZulu-Natal The Bepress Legal Repository is a network of legally relevant research papers. Law schools, research units, institutes, centers, think tanks, conferences, and other published thematic groups publish papers related to specific publications (e.g., the USC Working Paper Series). Claude Leon Foundation Chair in Constitutional Governance, University of Cape Town The Library of Treaties and Agreements contains all U.S. treaties and agreements, including those in force, expired or forthcoming. South Africa is a unitary state with nine provinces; Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West and Western Cape. Each province is governed by a premier and an executive council. The U.S.
Library of the Supreme Court contains all statements of the Supreme Court of the United States as published in the U.S. Reports. Human rights are the fundamental rights with which every individual is born. No one was allowed to move into a new home during the first lockdown period, which began on March 27, 2020. Lisa and her boyfriend have been living together for six months. Mr. Peters is a school teacher and was counselled by a learner, Felicia (under 16). Click here to view the SALJ Author`s Guide (download .PDF). For general information about South Africa, including geography, population, history and economic information, see, for example: TO PURCHASE THIS MAGAZINE IN PRINT OR ELECTRONIC FORM, IT IS AVAILABLE DIRECTLY FROM ORDERS@JUTA.CO. ZA. SHARES ARE AVAILABLE South African labour law provides for an annual income threshold against which it is determined whether a certain level of protection by workers You will leave Cambridge Core and be redirected to the article submission page of this journal.
The Federal Register 1936-1995, and Index to the Register. The South African Law Journal is the legal showcase for new ideas, changing attitudes and changing priorities in South African law. Anyone interested in these changes and developments will find this magazine a stimulating read. South Africa is a member of the Commonwealth and the United Nations. There are different forms of gender-based violence („GBV“) that can occur in a domestic relationship or in any other type of legal databases and e-journal platforms that allow you to set up personalized notifications and/or an RSS feed. Search for „Current Awareness“, „Stay Up-to-date“, „Create an alert“ or the bell symbol: the instructions are usually clear. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact us. Note that Westlaw Edge UK also includes the formerly separate LawTel service. An ETOC or TOC option provides the complete table of contents for each new journal issue. When you arrive at the Law Library, check out the Level 2 Corner (the entry level), which features the latest issues of these law journals that have still been preserved in print. (This view is updated weekly.) There is a high level of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect of children in South Africa. South African Mercantile Law Journal / SA Tydskrif vir Handelsreg Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice, University of Cape Town The Law Journal Library contains over 500 US, UK, Australian and international law journals.
For most journals, appointment scheduling starts very early (in many cases, from the first issue). However, the latest editions (during the last calendar year) are sometimes unavailable due to licensing restrictions. HeinOnline provides these journals annually on an ongoing basis. The president announced the easing of national lockdown restrictions from Level 5 to Level 4, which could allow more industries to get off the ground. Sometimes victims of gender-based violence („GBV“) experience violence at the hands of the Legal Classics Library. Complete text of more than 100 legal texts, including Blackstone`s Commentaries (1803), Cardozo`s Growth of the Law (1924), and the first edition of Story`s Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1833). The provincial laws of Canada include the provincial laws of ten of the Canadian provinces. Contains public and private laws passed by Canadian provincial governments. Up-to-date, revised and historical content is now available for Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario. Historical and revised content is only available for Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan.
Zakeera Docrat, University of the Western Cape and Russell H. Kaschula, University of the Western Cape. From 1 May 2020, restrictions on the national lockdown were lifted slightly, allowing the archiving of social science documents, including legal documents. With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, workplace issues and uncertainties are spreading just as quickly. John is 9 years old and is bullied at school by one of his classmates, Trevor. To access the full special issue on refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa, please click here. Acta juridica 1958- Annual survey of South African law 1947- De jure v.1(1975)- [incomplete] Industrial law journal v.1(1980)- Stellenbosch law review v.1(1990)- South African journal on human rights v.1(1985)- South African law journal Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Holandse Reg v.1 (1937)- This retrospective database lists more than 750 law journals published in the United States. Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Annual overviews of a jurisdiction`s statutes, annual surveys of federal courts, yearbooks, annual institutes, and annual reviews of work in a particular field or topic are also covered. Includes: South African Juta jurisprudence from 1838 to the present; South African legal relationships from 1947 to the present; Statutes and Regulations of South Africa; Juta`s e-law journals; Botswana Law Reports 1964 – ; Namibian Law Reports from 1990 to present; Zimbabwean jurisprudence, including access to Zimbabwe Law Reports 1980-2000 (2); Tanzania Act from 1983 to 1997; Zambia Law Reports von 1963 bis 1997. In March 2020, the provisions of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 were amended to clarify what is permitted and n Mashupye Herbert Maserumule, Tshwane University of Technology Holders of an Oxford SSO have access to legal journals published in South Africa via the following databases.
If the Bodleian libraries do not have the journal or article you are looking for, you can make a recommendation by filling out the form below (Oxford Single-Sign On required).